How was Blue Period? Many people say That Blue Period manga is better than the anime but its that really true? Little About Me Hi everyone today I will write my second review and I choose Blue Period I havent read the manga yet so I will just talk about my experience with the anime and How I expect the manga to be. AND REMEMBER I WILL TALK LIKE A PERSON THAT DINDT READ THE MANGA YET First thoughts Blue Period was Indeed a explendid anime but was many animes some parts just felt off What I want to say is that the episodes were missing some key components. That the anime had cut out some parts from the manga thereby making it lacking But Before we talk about the negative aspects lets talk about the positive ones first Positive aspects First of all the animation did a wonderful job they understood the colors so well they needed to use Some people may say that they didnt use them correctly or that the paint kind of didnt match but thats completely untrue. As a person who paints and draws several times I can really understand the difficulties the protagonist had during the anime and his reactions seeing the works of other characters Second of all the stress the anxiety the joy and the worries was on point Not only they got to show us the path of the protagonist but they also make the supporting characters look just as interesting as the main character. And to finish we cant just not talk about the opening and the ending The ending was good but in my opinion the opening was so so good They really put efforts on the opening And now the negative aspects As I said one of the negative aspects was the cuts scenes. There were to many scenes where in my opinion some history was missing and where we feel most of that is when Yatora The Main Character goes to his first entrance exam. When we have some cut scenes sometimes it means the anime is being rushed and thats exactly what happens There were so but so many parts where we could have seen more In a summary this as a good anime . I dont think I lost my time waiting a week for one episode If you like art or you are looking for a anime with stress anxiety and stuff like that you should definetly watch this anime I gave a 8.6/10 to this anime but maybe in a couple of days I may lower this score because of the manga but that will be in the future I hope you enjoyed and Thank you so much for reading so far
86 /100
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